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Strengthen Your Family, Strengthen The World
9 06, 2021

Making Sense of Maturity


Many parents wish that time will stop and they can keep their little ones as they are. However, days continue to turn to months, and months to years, with the once little angels growing into highly curious adolescents. Puberty is a monumental time for children, a period where they undergo physical, mental, and emotional transformations in their journey to becoming full-fledged adults. Before they reach the finish line, though, kids would need a whole lot of reassurance and support from their moms and dads.

Making Sense of Maturity2021-11-18T18:28:20+08:00
3 06, 2021

Rise Up with Love


Parents are naturally protective of their kids. They do everything in their power to shield their children from harm and prevent them from feeling pain. While they do an admirable job, there are untoward incidents that may escape their watch, such as bullyin

Rise Up with Love2021-11-18T18:28:29+08:00
6 05, 2021

Advantages of Keeping a Family Journal


Life gives families countless opportunities to make beautiful memories together. Some moments can be so unforgettable that it becomes a need to capture fleeting experiences in various forms to look back on down the road. There are those who prefer to film or take photos, but wordsmiths take up the pen and chronicle their stories on paper. Journaling is a classic practice that has transcended time, and modern research reveals that not only does it keep records of a family's past alive, but it also does wonders for the body.

Advantages of Keeping a Family Journal2021-11-18T18:28:46+08:00
23 04, 2021

Family Media Use Plan


Technology has been lauded for making life more convenient, but as it is with everything, it has its own downsides. A study from Pew Research Center reveals that two-thirds of parents in the US feel that parenting is more challenging in recent times than it was two decades ago. Social media and smartphones may be seen as tools that bridge communication gaps, but parents are getting more anxious that these are causing children to be more "detached." Kids spend too much time in front of screens watching videos, playing games, or interacting with others online that they forget to nurture their relationships at home.

Family Media Use Plan2021-11-14T06:38:34+08:00
14 04, 2021

Diffusing the Emotional Bomb


There are good days and there are bad days. It is normal to get angry when things don't go as planned. Anger manifests in different ways, and for most adults, it is easier to manage as they are able to consciously process their thoughts and feelings. However, the same cannot be said when it comes to children. At a young age where they are only beginning to make sense of the world around them, they are more prone to throw tantrums and express their displeasure without thinking about the consequences of their actions.

Diffusing the Emotional Bomb2021-11-18T18:29:06+08:00
12 04, 2021

Risks of Sharenting


With more people staying in isolation for safety reasons, the need to feel connected is stronger than ever. In combating solitude, many turn to social media to communicate with their loved ones and provide updates on how they are faring in life. The eagerness to share snippets of each day has increased tenfold that some fall into the trap of giving away too much information, which may have harmful consequences.

Risks of Sharenting2021-11-18T18:29:16+08:00
25 03, 2021

Teaching Kids Respect


As they age, children experience their world expanding before their very eyes. From the four corners of their room, they eventually venture into the great outdoors, setting their sights on places they've only seen in books, and meeting new people in the process. Before they embark on their big adventures, parents should make sure that they are equipped with skills and traits that can help them navigate their changing landscapes. Among these, parents must not forget to instill the value of respect in their kids.

Teaching Kids Respect2021-11-18T18:30:30+08:00
17 03, 2021

Understanding and Coping with Parental Burnout


Being a mom or a dad to children may be a dream to many, but one has to be prepared to fulfill the many responsibilities that go with the title. Unlike usual 9-5 jobs, being a parent is an adventure of a lifetime, a position that impacts not just you but the kids that you have brought into this world. While many take naturally to the role, there are some who struggle with the stress of maintaining order at home. Left unchecked, people from the latter category can succumb to parental burnout. This is defined by researcher and professor Moïra Mikolajczak as "an exhaustion syndrome that occurs when a parent has been exposed to too much stress in their parenting role for too long, in the absence of sufficient resources to compensate for the effect of stress."

Understanding and Coping with Parental Burnout2021-11-18T18:30:41+08:00
10 03, 2021

Communication Between Parents and Their Teenage Kids


When a child becomes a teenager, they begin to come into their own. They spend less time with parents and more time with friends, gain a deeper capacity for more intimate relationships, and show more independence. While some parents may take this in stride, others find themselves clashing with their child's adolescent views. Using negative communication to deal with teenagers can cause chronic conflicts that can be damaging to the family.

Communication Between Parents and Their Teenage Kids2021-11-18T18:30:49+08:00
3 03, 2021

Culture of Resiliency for the Family


Every day, we face different types of challenges that test not just our physical strength, but also our mental and emotional prowess. In the midst of a global pandemic, the need to be able to overcome life's daily obstacles and continue living with a purpose has become even more paramount. This change in lifestyle can start within the home -- with parents leading the charge in cultivating a culture of resiliency for the family.

Culture of Resiliency for the Family2021-11-18T18:30:58+08:00
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