Father’s Day Sale on “Be a Better Dad Today” Kindle and eBook Version at $1.99 for the all of June
Published: June 18, 2021
All this month Baker Publishing is running a special Kindle and eBook promotion in honor of Father’s Day for one of its best selling Fatherhood Books: “Be a Better Dad Today: 10 Tools Every Father Needs” by the Honorable Gregory W. Slayton. The book has sold almost 1M copies globally over the past 9 years and has been translated into 10+ languages. Many of America’s most famous fathers from Jeb Bush to Tim Keller to John McCain have warmly endorsed “Be a Better Dad Today” as one of the best fatherhood books out there.
All major eBook retailers including Amazon and Barnes & Noble will be offering the eBook version of “Be a Better Dad Today” at the special price of $1.99 for all of June. 100% of all royalties and profits from the book will be given to charities that support fathers, families and faith across the US and around the world.
This is the perfect Father’s Day gift for Dads!! Please go to Amazon.com or Barnes&Noble to get a copy for yourself or for the Dads in your life today!!