I Like My Parents


Do you struggle as parents to build happy homes and raise successful children? I LIKE My Parents! offers practical guidance and examples of how you can nurture the kinds of qualities in your children to make them awesome too. Author Kevin Graves explores what it looks like when a child’s heart truly turns back to his or her parents, and offers a roadmap of how to get there.

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“Your kids are awesome! I don’t know how many times my wife and I have heard this over the years…” The Graves did not plan to have seven kids before they got married. Sure, they both loved kids, and they had both come from big families. Joyce had been a teacher, and Kevin had run children’s camps, so children were an important part of their dream of building a life together. But it was only after they started having children that they realized how fun it could be. Then they didn’t want to stop! As parents struggle to build happy homes and raise successful children, I LIKE My Parents! offers practical guidance and examples of how you can nurture the kinds of qualities in your children to make them awesome too. Author Kevin Graves explores what it looks like when a child’s heart truly turns back to his or her parents, and offers a roadmap of how to get there. With input from his and other successful children on what worked for them in every chapter, I LIKE My Parents! gives fresh ideas of how you can build the kind of home that’s contagious and brimming with positive energy. With a little help, you may even find people saying “Your kids are awesome” too.


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