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Strengthen Your Family, Strengthen The World

About FamilyFirstGlobal

Family First Global is a partnership of equals. No country or region is more important than another. We work together in partnership to share programs and approaches that are working well. The FFG Board is comprised of the Chairs and Co-Chairs of each Family First country and region. We carefully consider all points of view before moving forward and try to make all major decisions on a unanimous basis. We meet as a Team annually at Family First Summits where all FFG members are also invited.
16 12, 2021

Growing Into the Father Role


When a father takes care of his newborn, the assumption is that he is responsible for nurturing his baby and facilitating their development. In reality, growth goes both ways. While infants benefit from the love and attention that they're getting from their dads, fathers also undergo a transformation. With every time spent with their kids, fathers begin to understand what it truly means to be a dad.

Growing Into the Father Role2021-12-16T20:29:09+08:00
2 12, 2021

Making Amends Towards New Beginnings


In life, misunderstanding and miscommunication are often unavoidable, but what truly matters is the way we choose to handle these situations. Repairing relationships means coming back together to manage emotions and arrive at a common point of comprehension through words and actions. Interpersonal conflict may be unavoidable, but there is always a way to maintain an important relationship between family members -- and that is getting better at being in sync with each other, expressing warmth and affection, and building up an investment of positive interactions in the process.

Making Amends Towards New Beginnings2021-12-02T13:18:09+08:00
25 11, 2021

Wishing You and Yours A Blessed and Beautiful Thanksgiving


This week, let’s cultivate the Spirit of Thanksgiving. Let’s take time to be thankful, to appreciate all we have. All of us have much to be thankful for, but we have to stop and ‘count our blessings’ as the old hymn reminds us. This week, let’s make time every morning and evening to do just that. And if we can do it with family and friends around us – that is another blessing.

Wishing You and Yours A Blessed and Beautiful Thanksgiving2021-11-25T22:13:35+08:00
12 10, 2021

Friends for Keeps


It is only natural for parents to be supportive of friendships that promote their children's growth and welfare. However, they should also be aware of other interactions that their kids may have outside the home, just to make sure that their children are establishing connections that would only be beneficial in their journey to become successful and well-mannered adults. Here are ways to help your children nurture friendships that enrich their lives.

Friends for Keeps2021-11-21T17:11:39+08:00
6 10, 2021

Never Too Late for a Date


There is a notion that people go on dates to get to know their partner, using it as an opportunity to ascertain that the other person has the qualities that they are looking for in a spouse. But does dating lose its magic when a couple gets married? Studies show that dates actually do not just benefit men and women who are at the onset of a romantic relationship, but even those who are already deeply connected as husband and wife.

Never Too Late for a Date2021-11-11T17:13:28+08:00
27 09, 2021

The Heart of Giving


Generosity is a beautiful value that can help make the world a better place. Small acts of kindness such as sharing food or donating used clothes can have a huge impact on their recipients. These actions not only satisfy the need for nourishment or protection from the elements, but inspire hope and faith in humanity. These become proof that life can get better, as long as there are individuals who are willing to extend a hand without expecting anything in return.

The Heart of Giving2021-11-11T17:23:27+08:00
23 09, 2021

Having a Baby: A Catalyst, Not a Liability


Giving birth to a child is a life-changing moment for every new mom. Seeing the angel that they have carried within them for what may seem like forever in their arms gives way to feelings they didn't think existed. The surge of emotions and the weight of the responsibility that comes with being a mother may prove to be overwhelming for many, but they shouldn't give in to the pressures of this new role quite easily.

Having a Baby: A Catalyst, Not a Liability2021-11-11T17:26:12+08:00
16 09, 2021

Small Actions, Big Impact


Developing micro-habits start in being conscious about how you behave around your kids. When you practice a behavior that you want your children to adapt repeatedly, it becomes a habit. But, you shouldn't stop there. You need to be able to keep the habit up long enough for it to become a pattern. In doing so, it becomes an integral part of your parenting style, which makes it almost impossible to be broken.

Small Actions, Big Impact2021-11-12T17:47:15+08:00
7 09, 2021

Making Love Bloom Again


For the most part, the success of a marriage depends on how well a couple is able to take care of their relationship. It may have matured, but love, just like a tree that sprouted from a tiny seed, still needs proper nurturing to live and prosper. As such, it becomes vital for man and wife to dedicate time and effort in weeding out obstacles that get in the way of their happiness, so their garden of love will continue to flourish for years and years. Otherwise, the strong feelings that they have for each other may wither over time, with one of the primary causes being emotional neglect.

Making Love Bloom Again2021-11-21T17:12:12+08:00
30 08, 2021

Strengthening the Knot


Marriage brings together two people who are united by love and commitment. As husband and wife, they pool together their strength to navigate a life they willingly chose to share. While perfection may be a myth, most couples still strive to make their marital life the best that it can be. Doing so, however, is not a piece of cake. There may be circumstances when solutions to life's challenges won't come as epiphanies that will greet you in the morning. And it's okay - sometimes, it is worth looking at external elements that can strengthen the knot that binds you and your spouse, such as marriage enrichment programs.

Strengthening the Knot2021-11-13T10:17:02+08:00
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