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Strengthen Your Family, Strengthen The World
24 02, 2022

Wisdom from the Heart


A misconception about emotional maturity is that it comes with age. No matter how young they may be, children can receive guidance and start their journey towards emotional maturity. Here are some ways to help them gain an insight on and control over their emotions.

Wisdom from the Heart2022-02-24T11:53:58+08:00
12 02, 2022

The 4 S to Success


Holding ourselves accountable is important as this requires us to focus our mind, take care of our body, and nurture the relationships that we've made to help us get one step closer towards our goals. If you find yourself at a crossroads, here are some steps that you can take to stick to the path that you've chosen, and move forward.

The 4 S to Success2022-02-12T16:21:12+08:00
29 12, 2021

Starting the Year Right


In order to write a new chapter of joy and happiness, we need to make space in the rooms of our hearts for them. Take some time to reflect on your own and with your family; then keep the following tips below in mind as you unpack and declutter before the dawn of a new year.

Starting the Year Right2022-01-05T11:30:55+08:00
22 12, 2021

Redefining What It Means to Give


The holidays are here, and instead of only looking forward to receiving presents, this can be a great opportunity to give back. Exchanging gifts is definitely a popular means of spreading happiness during the season - in fact, a research by personal finance site mintlife shows that roughly 729 billion dollars was spent during the holidays alone back in 2019! However, there are a number of other things that you can do to extend your blessings to those who can benefit from them, some of which may not even require you to spend a dime.

Redefining What It Means to Give2021-12-22T10:52:24+08:00
2 12, 2021

Making Amends Towards New Beginnings


In life, misunderstanding and miscommunication are often unavoidable, but what truly matters is the way we choose to handle these situations. Repairing relationships means coming back together to manage emotions and arrive at a common point of comprehension through words and actions. Interpersonal conflict may be unavoidable, but there is always a way to maintain an important relationship between family members -- and that is getting better at being in sync with each other, expressing warmth and affection, and building up an investment of positive interactions in the process.

Making Amends Towards New Beginnings2021-12-02T13:18:09+08:00
27 09, 2021

The Heart of Giving


Generosity is a beautiful value that can help make the world a better place. Small acts of kindness such as sharing food or donating used clothes can have a huge impact on their recipients. These actions not only satisfy the need for nourishment or protection from the elements, but inspire hope and faith in humanity. These become proof that life can get better, as long as there are individuals who are willing to extend a hand without expecting anything in return.

The Heart of Giving2021-11-11T17:23:27+08:00
25 08, 2021

The Compliment Element


Have you been speaking kindness lately? According to Michael Grose, a leading educator in Australia and parenting expert, one way to increase good feelings in the family is by raising the number of compliments given to kids at home. Here's how you can do it:

The Compliment Element2021-11-13T10:19:46+08:00
22 07, 2021

It Takes a Family to Raise a Village


It's easy to get lost in the daily grind. Typically, parents juggle working and managing the household, while children soak up knowledge and experience between home and school. As a family grows, coming together for some quality time gets more challenging. However, the options for a meaningful activity that can bring the family closer expands, as well. While playing games, travelling, and eating together is fun, there is an initiative that nourishes the soul while easing the burden of others — community service.

It Takes a Family to Raise a Village2021-11-13T16:22:38+08:00
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