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Events that took place in the last quarter of the year


Chairman Slayton Hosts VP Mike Pence for Foreign Policy Discussion, Keynotes a meeting of 200 Pastors in Warsaw, and Speaks at a Ukrainian Prayer Breakfast in D.C.

Overcoming the Pressures of Perfection

Overcoming the Pressures of Perfection

Perfection means not having any flaws but as humans, making mistakes no matter how small, is inevitable. Striving to embody perfection can trigger self-doubt and decrease self-esteem which can be major obstacles for moms in developing and nurturing relationships within and outside the home. There is power in being in control and guaranteeing that you can achieve the results that you want, but there is peace and happiness in just enjoying the process that is your motherhood journey.

Getting a Sense of Adolescence

Getting a Sense of Adolescence

When a child reaches adolescence, they begin to show signs of maturity, not just mentally but also physically and socially. They begin to develop the ability to think abstractly, become more concerned with complex topics such as philosophy, politics, and social issues, think long-term, set personal goals, and compare themselves with their peers. They may begin to struggle with independence and control, but you should not fight fire with fire. A recent study showed that an effective way to make teens open up more is not through talking back at them or reprimanding them – instead, by taking a more retrospective and understanding approach through attentive listening.

Staying Grounded by Being Present

Staying Grounded by Being Present

As a couple begin their journey as husband and wife, they may find it easier to devote time and attention in responding to each other’s physical and emotional needs. However, as their world expands following the arrival of children and the responsibilities that come with building a family, it becomes more and more challenging for married couples to focus on each other. It may be a struggle, but it is one hurdle that they have to overcome to stay together. Practicing mindfulness is one of the many ways to make their relationship last for as long as they live.

Putting Emotion in Motion

Putting Emotion in Motion

Sharpening your EQ is vital in keeping peace within yourself and the home you have built. Here are some tips in building a solid foundation of emotional intelligence for your family.

Living a Father-Full Life

Living a Father-Full Life

When fathers are being labelled as providers, they are not being measured just by how much money they earn, or the food they put on the table. Aside from being a source of things necessary for us to live each day in comfort, a father also gives the kind of love that fills his children’s hearts to the brim. With his knowledge and experience, he acts as a mentor that provides insights on navigating life’s many twists and turns; his strength allows him to protect his family from threats and risks; overall, his presence enables his children to live a wonderful – a father-full – life.

Friends for Keeps

Friends for Keeps

It is only natural for parents to be supportive of friendships that promote their children’s growth and welfare. However, they should also be aware of other interactions that their kids may have outside the home, just to make sure that their children are establishing connections that would only be beneficial in their journey to become successful and well-mannered adults. Here are ways to help your children nurture friendships that enrich their lives.

Never Too Late for a Date

Never Too Late for a Date

There is a notion that people go on dates to get to know their partner, using it as an opportunity to ascertain that the other person has the qualities that they are looking for in a spouse. But does dating lose its magic when a couple gets married? Studies show that dates actually do not just benefit men and women who are at the onset of a romantic relationship, but even those who are already deeply connected as husband and wife.

The Heart of Giving

The Heart of Giving

Generosity is a beautiful value that can help make the world a better place. Small acts of kindness such as sharing food or donating used clothes can have a huge impact on their recipients. These actions not only satisfy the need for nourishment or protection from the elements, but inspire hope and faith in humanity. These become proof that life can get better, as long as there are individuals who are willing to extend a hand without expecting anything in return.

Having a Baby: A Catalyst, Not a Liability

Having a Baby: A Catalyst, Not a Liability

Giving birth to a child is a life-changing moment for every new mom. Seeing the angel that they have carried within them for what may seem like forever in their arms gives way to feelings they didn’t think existed. The surge of emotions and the weight of the responsibility that comes with being a mother may prove to be overwhelming for many, but they shouldn’t give in to the pressures of this new role quite easily.


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